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Thelma's Story


Thelma was born with fetal alcohol syndrome and mild retardation. She grew up in Indianapolis IN with her mother. When mother died in 1997, I became Thelma's guardian and brought her home with me to Fort Wayne IN. As a nurse and sister, I knew Thelma was in need of services. Thelma moved into a group home with other ladies that shared her struggle. Thelma thrived. She made great friends and had wonderful caregivers. She went on outings and participated in the Special Olympics. She was living a happy life!


In 2010, one of her caregivers called me to inform me that Thelma had developed a black spot on her left cheek and she would be going to the Dr to get it looked at. Thelma always had a clear complexion. They biopsied the area and it came back benign. The area "bruised" and would not fade. Two months later she was diagnosed with Clarks Level 5 Melanoma of the face. Chemo and radiation were not appropiate treatments for the cancer. Only surgery and Interferon. The Interferon was not recommended as Dr felt she would not tolerate it. 


Thelma underwent her first surgery in March 2011. She went in to have a dime sized area removed, however, once they opened her up they realized it was an orange size area.  Thelma had several surgeries over the next couple years and everytime they removed the cancer, it would always come back.  Fast forward to March 2013...Dr called me to inform me that the cancer had come back yet again and that there was nothing that could be done. We were advised to bring Thelma home and make her comfortable. Dr could not give us a time line on life expectancy as the cancer was not in any vitals organs at the time. 


Thelma came home on March 27th 2013. She was placed on Hospice services. I stayed home with Thelma for almost a year. However, I couldn't stay home any longer. I had to go back to work. I obtained a job at a local nursing home and was able to have Thelma placed there. It was good to see her daily. We soon realized though that this facility is not where we wanted her to remain. I found a better nursing home and moved her there and was able to start work there myself. 


May 29th 2015, I had the day off from work. I had just pulled a 14 day stretch. My administrator called me to inform me that the facility could no longer meet Thelmas needs and she couldn't stay there. I had no choice but to bring Thelma back home with me. Now, I had a three hour notice and was not prepared to care for her in my home. Hospice provided her bed and supplies for us. I had to take an immediate leave from my job to care for my sister. Thelma requires 24 hour nursing care and I have no one to stay with her while I work. We are left to care for her in her final days as she has declined greatly since we brought her home. I wouldn't have it any other way though. God has given us this time and I am thankful to Him for it. 


As I am unable to work, we are faced with the financial struggle of not only supporting her, but ourselves as well. I have often wondered what is Gods plan for Thelma. Why has she held on so long? What legacy will she leave behind once God calls her home? Then my dear husband had this idea. God puts us in situations to prepare us for something He wants us to do. We know the struggle first hand, we are going to help others in this same situation. You don't have to go through this alone. 

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